Our Story

Regina’s Farm is a non-profit organization. We are here to
provide a unique Brazilian environment for our guests. To experience our
culture and food, while raising funds to help our neighborhood, the church Las
Olas Worship Center, and other churches/organizations in our area.
Regina started her little farm and cooking for others because of the nostalgia that she has for her state of Minas Gerais in
Brazil. The crackling of the wood stove, the ‘hot out of the oven’ Cheese Bread,
boiling coffee, the smell of the fire and the chickens running free. People of every walk of life come to the farm to dine and what we hear from our guests most, is how much eating at the farm reminded them of their home. We have Brazilians that haven’t been in Brazil for a long time, and feel very emotional because the environment reminds them of Brazil. Regina hopes that when people come to eat her food, they will leave not with just
filled, but with a sense of love, and emotion that the environment brings. Our
Backyard Brazil is “Your home away from home”.
Regina começou sua fazendinha e cozinhar para os outros por causa da saudade que ela tem do seu estado de Minas Gerais, no Brasil. O crepitar do fogão a lenha, o Pão de Queijo quentinho, café fervente, o cheiro do fogo e as galinhas correndo livre. Pessoas de todas as esferas da vida vêm para a fazendinha para jantar, e o que ouvimos dos nossos visitantes, é o quanto comer na fazendinha faz lembrar suas casas. Temos brasileiros que não voltaram ao Brasil há algum tempo e a experiencia os faz lembrar do Brasil. Regina espera que quando as pessoas vêm para comer sua comida, eles não vão somente ficar satisfeitos, mas com um sentimento de amor e emoção que o ambiente inteiro proporciona: sua casa fora the casa!